Compassionate and Knowledgeable
In the past eight weeks that I have been receiving treatment from Dr. Zilahy, I have found him to be the most compassionate, thorough, and knowledgeable doctor that I have ever had. Dr. Zilahy ensures superior patient care making by making one feel confident in and certain of his abilities. His appointment schedule is flexible and extremely accommodating. He has opened his office early in the morning on several occasions just to work around my schedule. His encouraging and caring nature is unmatched in the medical field. This is what sets him apart from the other doctors. Dr. Zilahy and the treatments that I have received have made dramatic impact on my life. I am convinced that Dr. Zilahy has provided me with the best of care and has listened to and diagnosed me with clarity and competency. I am a firm believer in the power of acupuncture and with a qualified practitioner such as Dr. Zilahy; it has absolutely improved my overall health and well-being. Thank you, Dr. Zilahy, most sincerely,
Christina M. Smith
A Miracle
I have been going to Dr Zilahy for almost 3 weeks with a chronic condition called Crohns Disease. I have been in terrible pain for over 2 years with no end in sight. I went to 3 specialists and had major problems with conventional medications and so called treatments, the last doctor told me she didn’t know what else to do so I started searching for a more natural way of treating my disease. With much praying and thought I found Dr. Zilahy’s website. After 5 or 6 treatments and a new diet I am feeling so much better. The level of pain has dropped tremendously. I know I will continue to heal and am looking forward to living a healthy and pain free life. I would highly recommend that anyone with a chronic condition visit Dr. Zilahy’s office. He is a compassionate person and his staff are extremly kind and helpful…………
Jean M.
Unbelievable results
After suffering with both sinus problems and acid reflux for the last two years, and not getting any relief from conventional medicine, in desperation I decided to try acupunture. IT WORKS! I began to see immediate results after the first treatment. Now, one month later I would rate my recovery, on a scale of 1-10, a 9! I would recommend Dr. Zilahy to anyone looking to solve any medical problem. He listens, advises, and proscribes procedures designed to meet the needs of the individual patient.
Amazing Results
I have suffered for 5 years with vertigo. My eyeballs would literally go up and down and I would have to drop to my knees because I could not walk because I was so dizzy. Over the years the severe attacks stopped but I still had dizziness and my balance was shot. When it got dark out I would walk like a drunk my balance was that bad! Driving was awful too! Over the years, I have been to neurologists; ear, nose and throat doctors and of course my GYN and my GP. The general response was, yes you have a problem but there is nothing we can do. Here is a prescription for the nausea (which comes with the dizziness). I decided to try acupuncture. I really didn’t have much hope but I called Dr. Zilahy because I was just out of options. He LISTENED to me (unheard of by most of the other Drs. I saw) and he found what my problem was and after the first visit I was already feeling better! I can’t believe it. My golfing, reading, driving, dancing are so much better now that my eyes are not moving all the time. We are now working on getting my balance back and for the first time ever. I believe it is going to happen!! No one should suffer with vertigo without knowing about this! I highly recommend Dr. Zilahy!
Welcome relief
Having experienced numbness and tingling to both my hands, inablility to move my neck from side to side, pain and headaches for a year, I turned to a well known neurosurgeon in the area. He gave me some choices. Hydocortisone shots, surgery, or Dr Zilahy. I chose the last as it was the least invasive. My primary care physician was hesitant until I told her it was Dr Zilahy I was going to, then she gave me her OK. It has been one month now, my numbness and tingling are gone. My range of motion has greatly increased, and pain has decreased. I almost cancelled one appointment because I started feeling achy, with sore throat and chills. The receptionist at Dr Zilahy’s urged me to keep the appointment, which I did. The doctor used an acupunture treatment on me, which is totally painless. The next morning all my symptoms were gone. I highly reccomend this treatment. Thanks Dr Zilahy. MF
Saved From Surgery
I was having severe pain in my right arm and shoulder, along with difficulty turning my neck. I am right handed and had complete numbness in my index and middle fingers. The problem affected every part of every day. The constant pain made it very difficult to maintain my stamina throughout the day. When I was not at work I couldn’t sit and relax, sleep comfortably or even open a container for myself. The pain made it difficult for me to turn my head and drive safely and so I limited my driving.
I went to my primary physician and then to a spine specialist. I completed four weeks of physical therapy as recommended. The physical therapy including traction that didn’t help at all. The specialist could only perform extensive surgery which would fuse two discs. He recommended I try Dr. Zilahy before a final decision was made. Since starting care I have no pain, the numbness is completely gone and I’m able to turn my neck much more freely. I stopped using pain medications. It was determined I had pinched nerves in my neck due to degenerative arthritis and a herniated disc. I now am able to live and work as it did before the problem without surgery.
Mary Fiermonte